Crickets are a nuisance for many homeowners, but it’s not always easy to get rid of them. Here are some tips on how to remove crickets from the basement.
The does vinegar kill crickets is a question that many people may be asking themselves. Vinegar can kill crickets, but it is not the most effective way to do so.
The sound of crickets chirping on a warm evening is one thing, but the sound of crickets chirping from your basement is quite another. Crickets will not bite unless provoked. Instead, they’ll jump all over your food (which is bad since they transmit illnesses like E.coli and Salmonella), eat holes in your clothing, chew bites out of your furniture, ruin your papers, and keep you up all night with their constant chatter. If legions of unwelcome home visitors are ruining your days and nights, here’s everything you need to know about how to get rid of crickets in the basement.
How to Recognize the Symptoms of a Cricket Infestation
A solitary cricket that has found its way inside your house isn’t an issue. Infestation, on the other hand, is unquestionably true. While crickets are not toxic, they may cause damage to furniture, documents, and food supplies by infecting them with germs and illness. Detecting an infestation isn’t difficult, even if they’re excellent hiders. Take note if you’ve seen ragged edges on carpets and rugs, big holes in your clothing, mandible marks on furniture, or heard that unmistakable chirping at night.
What to Do If You Have Crickets in Your Basement
Finding out where the crickets are hiding is the first step in making your basement a cricket-free zone. Crickets like dark, concealed areas, so look beneath any furniture, boxes, or appliances for indications of their presence. Dim the lights and follow the sounds if you’re having trouble finding the source of the infestation. Because crickets become quiet when they detect a presence, it’s possible that stealth techniques will be required. Once you’ve identified the primary source of the infestation, use these helpful suggestions to get to work.
Remove the Vacuum

Vacuuming, as Hunker points out, won’t get rid of crickets as efficiently as cricket bait or some of the other methods we’ll discuss later, but it’s a fast and effective approach to get rid of the ones in plain sight. It’s also an excellent method to get rid of any eggs, which can rapidly transform a small issue into a big one if left untreated. Vacuum the whole area thoroughly using a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, giving special attention to the edges of carpets, rugs, and beneath furniture. Once you’ve done, place the contents in a sealed bag and dispose of it away from the home.
Purchase a Cricket Bait
Crickets are an issue that many people face. Fortunately, there is no lack of remedies on the market that may assist in the fight against an infestation. Intice, a granular cricket bait, will halt an infestation in its tracks swiftly and effectively. Simply strew it about the basement, giving special attention to places where there is a lot of infestation, and then sit back and wait for it to work its magic.
Make a Cricket Trap for Water

A simple, handmade cricket trap, according to, is one of the simplest (and cheapest!) methods to get rid of a cricket infestation in your basement. It’s also entirely non-toxic, which makes it perfect for families with young children or pets who want to avoid potentially hazardous chemicals. A transparent jar or bowl, some tap water, and a few spoons of molasses are all you’ll need. Fill the jar/bowl halfway with water to begin. Add two to three tablespoons of molasses to the solution and whisk or shake until the molasses dissolves. Place the trap in the basement and let it there overnight. The answer should be swimming with crickets the following morning. Clean out the solution and refill it with a fresh batch of molasses, repeating the procedure until all of the crickets have left.
Make a Sticky Paper Glue Trap to see what you can come up with
Fly traps made of sticky paper glue aren’t only for flies. They’re a safe, efficient method to get rid of a cricket issue in a matter of days if you have children or animals. The traps can be found at DIY shops and online; once you have them, just place them in high-infestation regions and near entry points like as walls, windows, and doors.
Construct a Boric Acid Trap

Boric acid is easily accessible as a tablet, powder, or pill. Make a cricket trap by combining two cups of cornmeal and two tablespoons of boric acid in a few dishes and scattering them about the basement. Because boric is a moderately hazardous substance, keep it away from children and pets.
Keeping Them Out
Basements are ideal for crickets because they are dark and damp. Whatever technique you choose to deal with your present infestation, you must ensure that their entry points are adequately shut to prevent them from returning. Caulking is one of the finest ways to seal any gaps and holes, since it lasts for approximately 7 years and can be used by almost anybody, regardless of their DIY abilities.
Call Pest Control
Pest control can involve a variety of methods such as physical exclusion or barriers, chemical treatments, natural pest repellents, and traps. Physical exclusion or barriers are the most common form of pest management used today. It is often used to protect crops from insect infestations as it involves blocking off areas that may be desirable for pests to inhabit.
Chemical treatments such as pesticides are also used but come with their own set of risks including potential health hazards for people and animals who come in contact with them. Natural pest repellents like certain scented plants can also offer some relief by discouraging the presence of pests in an area while more traditional traps like sticky boards can help capture existing insects in space.
Companies like PestZone utilize a variety of methods to remove crickets from a home. Chemical treatments are usually used first as they provide an effective means of killing any existing insects that are found. Physical traps like glue boards also come in handy for capturing those bugs that have eluded the chemical treatment. Some pest control providers even offer green solutions such as natural repellents or organic insecticides which are safe for the environment and your family.
Using bug spray, zap them

Bug sprays aren’t for everyone, but if you’re not allergic to the ingredients and don’t mind bringing chemicals into your house, they’re a fast and painless method to get rid of crickets. Simply spray it in the places where crickets congregate, as well as any entry points such as cracks, doors, and windows, and wait for the corpses to pile up.
Once you’ve dealt with a cricket infestation, it’s not that difficult to deal with another one. Making handmade molasses traps and counting the dead corpses every morning can quickly get tedious if you have to do it every few weeks. If you don’t want to go through the procedure again, spend some time to make the basement as pest-free as possible. Crickets are attracted to cardboard boxes and storage containers, so get rid of as many as you can. Consider giving outdated clothing to charity if you have heaps of them lying around. Remember that the less clutter there is, the less welcoming it is to pesky animals.
Alter the Lighting
Crickets are drawn to dark, secluded areas, yet they can’t resist the attraction of a bright light at night, like other insects. Remove any bright bulbs from your light fixtures, particularly outside ones, as suggested by to make your house less attractive. Replace them with lower-lighting “bug lights” or amber LED lights to keep crickets and other insects away. You may also find it beneficial to close your blinds and shades at night to prevent bugs from being attracted by the light.
The what attracts crickets in the house? is a question that many homeowners ask. What you need to do is place an insect trap near the entrance of your basement.
Crickets might seem harmless, but when they invade your basement, they can become a real nuisance. Their incessant chirping can disrupt your peace, and they can cause damage to your belongings. If you’re struggling with a cricket infestation, you might be wondering how to get rid of them. While there are DIY methods available, for a more effective and long-term solution, consider seeking professional help. The experts at pest control bentonville ar can provide comprehensive solutions to ensure your basement—and the rest of your home—remains cricket-free.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I get crickets in my basement?
You are probably trying to feed crickets, but they are starving for food. Crickets need a lot of protein and fat in their diet. If youre not feeding them enough, they will die.
How do you get rid of a cricket you cant find?
You cant.
What smell do crickets hate?
They hate the smell of humans.